Monday, August 15, 2011

Dancing in the Monsoon

Today is a day for the record books. OH. MY. WORD. Pure amazingness. I seriously dont know where to begin, slash what to say. I shall just start at the beginning. The group (17 of us) were picked up at the Marriott at 10:00 {after eating a most delicious buffet, last meal happiness} We drove about two hours to Rising Star campus...we made two pit stops along the way..getting bread, and probably to Jasons surprise MT DEW! haha We drove through organized chaos, poverty, and what I like to call Flinstone cars. Seriously they are so small and cute they look like Fred Flinstone's car! Hilarious. After driving through all of that..we made it to Rising Star. We live in what we call the Elephant House. I have come to find out that I have "squatter phobia" {I made it up...but seriously} *squatting on the toilets is a serious talent..and you know something is wrong when everyone is discussing their technique!!! All the girls got dressed in our chudidar's and started unpacking. For a good 4 hours it was a torrential down pour!!! I was determined to go dance in it..So me and Anna ran out and were going nuts..and then everyone came and joined in on the fun. It was seriously like we were taking a shower. So hopefully it happens again tomorrow, and we will all be taking our shampoo with us! It was such a surreal experience dancing in this rain, the loudest thunder I have ever heard, with people I have never met before, all in India. So much fun, such a great memory. We then had a tour of the school, and the dorms where the children live.
The kids just melt my heart. They see you and they come running. Give you hugs, call you "auntie auntie!!" It seriously is adorable. They just love everything about you. They play with my hair constantly, climb on me, and the biggest crowd pleaser of the day is my Monkey/Gorilla impression. Which I then had to do for all of the volunteers. I told this little girl today that I liked her earings, and she said "oh, would you like them?" and started to take them off!!! They are just the cutest little things to hit the world. I didnt take many pictures today..but hopefully I will post more tomorrow. So far I have no complaints. It is just so much fun.
I am living in the jungle in India.
*{side note: Frogs coming into the squatters at night=kephy holding it until the morning..if you get what I'm saying. hehehe}
Other side note: I am on the top bunk, and there is not bar to keep me from falling off.
Pray for me. :)


  1. Kephy I love the update!! I am very surprised you have access or had access to the glorious goodness that is the Dew! The children sound wonderful. It is really brilliant that you are doing this. The dncing in the rain sounds like so much fun, it is moments like that, that stick with you for a lifetime. James asks when you are coming home already :-) he loves you very much. So I showed him India on Google Earth. Love you Kephy!

  2. KEPH! I am only now just reading your blog. SO AWESOME! I love reading your posts as you enter india, it's like I'm re-living my trip to Nepal and Everest. We should definitely discuss squatting techniques once you get back....I have a few pointers lol. Hope you are loving it there!
