Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Looking Back

If you don't like pictures....stop reading here.
This year has been insane!! I sold my baby.
(I miss my jeep so much, especially these past few snowy days!)
Sundanced with the best of em'
Went to California 5 times.... I KNOW...I love it okay!?
San Fran with Debbie
Best weekend of my life at Coachella
I mean I saw Tupac..It doesn't get much better than that
(Thanks Showscoop...Hopefully we do it again this year!!)
Go "like" them on Facebook. It will change your life.
Our Best Friends got home from their missions. HOORAY!!!
Disneyland with Maddie. Love this girl.
Alpine Slide with these cute people!
Emily and I road tripped to Washington and Oregon  for her bike ride--Seattle to Portland
She freaking KILLED IT. (in a good way mom hehe)
In honor of my Big Brother Matt, we ran Donate for Life!
Organ Donation is amazing. I think JoyLyn and I won the race...
 Went on Dates with these cute boys..
 Met some Incredible people..
I met Maddie working up at J. Crew...I really believe I got a job there so we could become best friends. So lucky to have her in my life.
I met the lovely Katie one night at 3 am one February morning in San Diego. It was pitch black and I crashed at her place. We hadn't even seen each other and we talked and talked. We have been friends ever since. She is hilarious people..She makes me laugh SO hard. Love her.
Last but not least I met the cute Isabelle just recently, I am her tutor for Harp. She is adorable, and she and her whole family have become my second family! Love them.
The top picture is of a friend Matt met on his mission in Argentina. JD is someone I base my life after. He is seriously living the dream. He lives in Dubai now, but he came out to Utah for a visit! We had an incredible time talking with him, and I will hopefully make it out to Dubai in the near future!! *dream*
Katie is about to graduate..JEALOUS.
Misses Lauren got married!!!!! 
Ali lives in California. (get out I know..I'm going to visit her soon obvi)
Softball memories... :)
JoyLyn gave birth to a stinking cute baby girl named Baylee!!
(listen, I know I am a horrible person, and haven't officially met her, but I will soon OKAY!?)
Great words found on the back of a car. My life goal.
Saw Wicked. It's amazing people.
Spent serious time in Park City.
Had a cute baby shower for JoyLyn.
 Went from West Coast to East Coast in 1 week......
No words can describe NYC. 
I felt like anything could happen there.
You could be anyone you wanted to be, and  no one would judge you.
It is an incredible place, and we sure had a blast!! 
Love my family.
They are my everything!!!
 Every Christmas we make it up to Matty's grave and place Luminaries there.
Oh how I miss that boy...
2012 was an amazing year...
Sometimes I forget how good life is, and dwell on the not so fun stuff.
All in all, am a very lucky girl, with some incredible friends.
Not having a Facebook has been REALLY nice.
Sorry for all the pictures.
I'm starting a new Facebook. *sigh*
I feel in the end it is necessary to have one. *bigger sigh*
It is just such a nice way to keep in touch with people. I think I will have to write a post on all of my feelings about Facebook. Which will probably be in a year since I am so great at posting on this here blog.
2013 is already going to start out with some crazy changes, but I think it will be a good/exciting change.
Love You All!!!
Peace, Love, and Smile :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fridays with Matty--Happy Birthday Emily!

Happy Fridays with Matty!!! 
Today I wanted to share a few of my favorite moments with Matt and Emily because it is 
Emily's Birthday!! 
We have had some funny times together that is for sure.
I wont share my most favorite just yet, I'm saving that for Thanksgiving. 

I cant remember if this was while Matt and Em were engaged or before..but they were skyping.
Katie, Matt, and myself were in the computer room.
Em was in Portland scrapbooking away..
Really I should just stop here, because what Matt talked about that day was HILARIOUS, and should not be spoken of. However, I dont think katie, emily or I will ever forget what he talked about. 
Lets just say an aerosol can was compared to something, and a handfull of pencils were compared to something. Probably something I never wanted to know about. #toomuchinfo
We were all rolling on the floor, emily was just laughing and shaking her head all the way in Portland. Lets just say after that convo getting married has scared me to death.
Matt's sense of humor could put a smile on anyones face.
This was a fun day because Matt, Emily, Sarah (Emily's mom), Em's Grandma and I went through the Draper Temple.
Matty loved the Festival of Trees. He volunteered there when he was in High School, and every year after always made it a Christmas tradition to go check out the amazing trees.

Happy Birthday Emily!
Thanks for all the fun memories with Matty
And thanks for all the fun memories we are creating now...
Road Trips, Cruises, Coast to Coast, Crazy Stories, Hilarious Memories

Love ya girl!!

*No Day But Today*

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fridays with Matty

I found this little gem on my family's computer today. I wrote it October 2004 :)
Matty will forever be my hero.

My Hero

            This 19 year old kid who loves to scuba dive, and jump out of planes, could actually be taken down by something as small as a peanut! You see my hero is highly allergic to nuts, which is crazy, because he is a NUT!! My brother Matt Bernhisel is the best brother anyone could have. He always seems to be the life of the party. I remember when we were in Hawaii, we were on a boat and by the time we got off everyone knew his name even the captain! Or when we were in California and we were just getting to sleep when we heard the door open and Matt had started down the elevator sleepwalking! Sometimes he even comes up to me and will ask me at 11 O’clock at night to go to a movie.

            He stands out in a crowd, not only because he is pretty tall, but he always has either REALLY blond hair or black hair. He is always smiling like he has a million bucks and is always real talkative.

            Matt was always the one to start new words and have everyone say them. We would all laugh at him because the words were so strange but then I would start to hear the words at my school! My family is quite into music, but we have never EVER been in to country music. However, one day my brother came home and was singing country music!? We now all love Shania Twain!

 Matt never has really been scared of anything except a shot, but for some reason jumping out of  a plane doesn’t scare him. He has gotten so many opportunities and has taken them all. I don’t know if I could ever jump out of a plane but I am sure he will make me when I am older.

            Sometimes when my family has not had a good day or someone hasn’t had a good day Matt always seemed to brighten up their life. His personality just seems to get to you. He has an awesome voice and loves to sing.

            Matt is such a hero to me for a lot of reasons but the main one is that he is spending his life right now on a mission in Argentina with people less fortunate than us, and preaching the gospel. Another reason he is my hero is because he always included me in things. He would take me to movies or dinner or help me with my homework, even when he didn’t want to.  He is such a good example to me and I want to be just like him.  My 19 year old brother is a nut but I am crazy about him!
Love, and Miss Matty...
No Day But Today*

Monday, October 22, 2012

Coast to Coast Part 1

Not only is Coast to Coast a great radio show..
But it is also what I did in a matter of two weeks!

I started out by going to San Francisco for work.
(Yes, I have the best job ever)
It consisted of some training meetings, and a whole lot of partying!

 Fusion in San Jose! It was such a beautiful office.
Here is Emily and I chillin in the Limo!

After some training's we went to a Play in San Francisco with the group.
The play was hilarious.. Its called Beach Blanket Babylon. It has always been the same play, they just change the words according to current events. We laughed so hard.
The next day we finished up training's and made took a train back to SF.

We then experienced this little bundle of goodness:
 What you will find in here can not be posted on this little blog.
I'm all about scandal. ;)
The cookies were great though.
The next day we shopped till we dropped, and rode the trolley of course. It was Angels first time in the city, so we had to experience SF like a true tourist.

Did I mention it was Fleet Week? HELLO SAILORS.
Seriously it was amazing.

SF was incredible, as usual. #secondhome

Then there was NYC....

Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference with my Brothers

Hello!! Sorry I didn't post Fridays with Matty...
I was in San Francisco.
However, I thought about Matt the whole time I was there!!
In fact I even have a post all thought up in my head with an INCREDIBLE Picture. I will post it in a few weeks... 
I will be in NYC this Friday....(FIRST TIME BABY!!!!)
BUT. Listening to General Conference reminds me of the good old days.
Everyone would be bundled up in blankets. Debbie would make waffles.
Me, Matt and Jason would always go down in to our basement and turn General Conference on. Of course it was SUPER loud all throughout our house: Radios on, TV's everything. Dave would have a coke in hand probably in his den sorting through his coin collection, Debbie would be cross stitching, Matt and Jason would be playing with boondoggle, or playing with the million lego sets we had. They seriously created some great stuff. and I would be in my little purple nightgown getting in everyones business. Sitting on Debbie's lap (I still sit on Debbie's lap..its okay), trying to get Jason to teach me how to boondoggle, destroying Matt's legos. 
HAHA classic...

Life was real simple back then.
I hope you all have a great week.
Side Note: Man-O-Man can Elder Holland just get any better? He is a freaking rockstar. I think I would faint if I ever met him in real life.  Favorite Tweet about him: 
Young people did y'all hear Elder Holland? Jesus has risen from the tomb. Stop sayin YOLO, u only live once, not the right answer!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fridays with Matty

Happy Friday!!
This last Saturday one of Matt's best friends got married!
Congrats Aaron and wife..cant remember her name right now haha
It was so fun because I got to see all of his old friends. :)
The friend I was most looking forward to seeing was Mr. Sam Lee.
We stood in line, and congratulated Aaron, and asked if Sam was going to be there...he said he couldnt ever get ahold of him. (Sam was doing the whole no facebook thing like me cuz we are awesome like that) He said he texted him but he never heard back.
So we sat and ate cold stone..Thank You...... Emily left the table to get some water....
I will never forget meeting Sam Lee.
My parents and I had gone up to Logan for the day to visit Matt. We went to his apartment, and everything in his room was SO clean. I swear Matt was not a clean person before his mission. 
{Maybe I should go on a mission? Get good cleaning skills? (bad reason to go I think..)}
Everything in his room was chrome, black, and white. Black window Bernhisel likes a sunny morning when we could be sleeping. Chrome light next to his bed. Chrome bathroom stuff. 
It was cute. Plus his black and white fuzzy minkey blanket!! I was SO jealous of his computer. He got all the cool gagets, and knew how to do all these cool things. Of course he had awesome speakers to jam out to Music!! (our favorite) He showed me this awesome song:
I remember hearing it and looking at Debbie with a face like "what in the world is that girl saying.."
Of course I became obsessed with it, and Matt and I could proudly sing every word. 
Matt could sing it better. No Joke.
Great song people.
Anyway, I dont think any of Matt's roommates were home. 
(depressing. obviously..I was wanting to see some hot college boys!!!)
Somehow we made our way over to the library. Matt thought it was so cool because they have this machine of some sort that can go and grab old books. 
As we were leaving the library we ran into his roommate.
hahaha oh man. I thought he was cute. His hair was curly, and he we just so nice.
I fell in love with that boy. hahaha 
Fast forward a few years, one of my friends may or may not have dated him. 
(which I know Matt would have been proud of..cuz Matt always loved her too haha)
Ever since Matt died, Sam Lee (I can only call him by his full name.) has been the one to stay in contact the most, and ask how we are all doing. I know he has been to his grave on several occasions..its always nice to know people visit Matt's grave. 
He really is a great guy. I am so grateful for him!
{he also has great taste in music}
Meet Sam Lee:

Pure Happiness

Random fact about Matty: Tiger's blood was his favorite flavor at Rainbow Snow!

*No Day But Today*

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fridays with Matty

I have decided to start something.
We will see how long I keep this up.
Because I am so great at blogging...

I am calling it Fridays with Matty.
*no relation to Tuesday's with Morrie*
At least I dont think...I have never read it. But I feel like I have heard people say its super boring/depressing.
All the reviews that I browsed just a second ago seemed pretty excited about it though.
But it was an old man talking to a young man about the old man's life.
I'm not an old man or a young man.haha
Anyway, Fridays with Matty!!
This will not be boring or depressing--at least it wont be for me.
and really, that's all that matters!
Death is such a weird thing.
We know we are all going to die eventually, but sometimes people are taken from us too early.
Ever since my big brother died its been a constant battle of trying to stay away from the memories, and keep all the memories. You don't want to think about the memories, because sometimes they make you sad. But at the same time, you want to keep the memories because they are all you have left....
The last 2 1/2 years I have done a pretty good job at avoiding memories.
But when you avoid, you forget.
(end of slightly depressing part)
So I am going to stop avoiding, and start writing some of my favorite memories of Matt and me, or just Matty, and maybe even get some people to share their favorite memories. That way when I'm old and senile, I can come back here and remember.
Maybe by the time I'm old computers wont exist anymore... scary.
Before I get into the first memory, one must realize I suck at ya.

Matt and I loved the musical Rent.
We know ALL the songs backwards and forwards. 
Sometimes he would call me, and he wouldn't say hello..
He would just start singing.
{Mind you...we did it in their voices..}
"its true you sold your guitar and bought...a car....." --Matt
"Its leaving now for santa fe, its true your with this YUPPIE SCUM" --Keph
"You said you'd never speak to him again!"--Matt
"not now.. who said that you have any say in who she says things to at all!"--Keph
"Yeah! who said that you should stick your nose in other peoples.."--Matt
Haha you get the idea..
The best part was near the end when mark and roger are fighting we had it DOWN. A little rasp in our voice I tell ya Matt and I could have been on Broadway people.
the best part was when Matty would hit the high note at the very end of the song. "Mimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" 
Seriously kills me every time.
Heres a clip of the song:
Matt had a ROCKIN voice. For all you madrigals out there...McGuire approached him to sing with them. He turned it down. But dang my bro could sing. 
Love you Matty
I hope you are all having a great day!

*no day but today*

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To Being Young

As most of us are well aware...
We are getting to the age that everyone is married.
Good for you guys.
Continuing on to my regularly scheduled program:
I kissed a boy and I liked it.
I'm not usually one to kiss and tell...but this had to be documented.
I will spare you all..and by you all I mean Emily and Joylyn cuz they have heard it, and they are the only ones who read this lovely blog. But we came to the conclusion that it had to be written about.
I would also like to thank Emily for letting me borrow her white underwear last minute--we now call them the Magic Undies. Get your mind out of the gutter people.
I don't know if I will ever kiss him again.
But DANG it was worth it.
We are talking Movie worthy.
I leave you on these last two points:
**Tonight, We Are Young.
**Is it wrong to kiss someone who was driving when you were born? I say NO.

Monday, August 13, 2012


I am bad at posting.
Went to California
St George
New Friends
Watched a 200 mile bike ride on my fanny in a car
Emily kicked trash!
Worked a TON
Bought a lot of clothes. :|
Saw Wicked
Bear Lake for the first time
Ate Halibut for the first time.. jury's still out on that one.
Jason's back in school!
Spent lots of time in Park City--second love maybe first love?
Just kidding. The ocean will always be my first love.
Got tan!!!
Illegal fireworks. Which are now legal *Happiness*
City Creek
Organ Donation Run!
Been a year since India
Katie is almost 21
I eat salad now. I KNOW..I am growing up "tear"
Jimmy Johns...addiction Ali knows what I'm talking about
I havent been to in n out all summer. WHAT THE WHAT?
Trying to talk Dave in to going to Brazil slash Antarctica with me. Its normal.
New York in October???
Body Pump with Chelli
47 days till Dexter
Trinity is clean!
Debbie gave me a piggy back ride. Hilarious.
I am going back to school. #fail #nervous #excited

Monday, June 25, 2012

New Music Monday

Totally headed to Cali tomorrow. 
I think that is the only time I blog. When I go to Cali.
New Music Monday:

Good stuff right there.

As of right now..I wont see the ocean. Which is a little disturbing to me.
So I will find time to see the ocean.
Maybe head to Long Beach to creep on the crew of Dexter.
At any rate, I will be seeing Mickey Mouse!
Mickey Mouse and Dexter probably should not be spoken of in the same post.
I haven't been to Disneyland in over 2 years. I shouldn't even call myself a Bernhisel.
Goodbye Utah-Hello Disney

Monday, May 21, 2012

Coachella = Best Weekend Ever.

I have been avoiding posting on this little bloggy here about Coachella because seriously NO WORDS can do it justice.
Coachella..I dare say...was the best weekend of my life.
Prepare for a crap load of pictures...
My friend Micah is launching a website called ShowScoop
Its a website where that allows you to create a profile, keep track of, review, and see your friend’s concert reviews.
Its basically a Yelp for Concerts. Check it out on FB, or sign up on the website!
Anyway, what better place to start marketing for it, then Coachella.
We went from campsite to campsite giving out free sunglasses, and sunscreen!

 I flew down to San Diego--my second home.

Then we drove to Indio...
 No words...

It was stinking hot.

Here is Gabe with a bag of ice on his back... It melted so fast.

Coachella at Night.

Andrew Bird

We ended up running out of water...
Drinking water was like drinking Gold.

Jessica, Katie, and Keph!

 The ShowScoop Team!
Love these guys!
 This is ROY G BIV. He was out next door neighbor. Coolest guy ever.
No he is'nt holding a condom...its our sunscreen. People settle down.

Frozen Lemonade!!! Good times.
We saw a little more than 30 concerts all together.
It was insane.
My favorites were Feist, Gotye, Bon Iver, The Shins, Kaskade, Radiohead, Florence, The Weeknd (SERIOUSLY TALENTED.), Miike Snow, and Girl Talk.
Jessica, me and Tyler waiting for another great concert.

We  seriously ran out of food by the end of our 4 day adventure..
So our first stop was IHop. Micah and Jess were starving.

Dr. Dre. Snoop. Tupac. Eminem. Wiz Khalifa. 50 Cent. 
 Snoop is one of the best entertainers I have ever seen. He was hilarious!
Best. Weekend. Ever.