Monday, January 30, 2012


Emily Gave me this awesome journal for Christmas.

She has kept one for awhile, and called me last november and was like "last year we did this..."
I was like "umm your a freak for knowing that. slash how do you know that? She told me all about this Journal, and it is SO cool!! 
It has the year, and like 4 lines to write what you did that day. and has five more years on that same page.
Does that make sense? I'm not sure.. haha Oh well. It has really been a lot of fun! 
Go Get One.
The reason for me talking about this is that nothing exciting usually happens on Sunday to report about.. So I have decided Sundays will be my grateful days. All I write are things I am grateful for.
  • I am grateful for this past week. It has been a blast. (pics & post to come!!)
  • I am grateful for some out of town friends. Micah and Jeff! {who should move in town}
  • Catching up with friends from India. Rebecca. good times. gooooood times. 
  • Katie. duh. i dont even need to put her on this list. its just obvi LOL
  • Britny get it gurl. slash you were willing to save me if I needed u Saturday. love u. (PLL Tonight)
  • My family. Holy freak, i have an awesome family. for reals.
    • You know who you are. I dont need to give a shout out. your just awesome.
  • Ali and Mike!
  • I am grateful for all you married and engaged people. hahahaha but really. good for you. 
  • JT and Joylyn and little pdizzle!! I hope I can be as awesome as you guys if I ever have a child. 
  • My nephews are SO COOL. They are gonna be heartbreakers when they get older.
  • Anyone that reads this blog. Well duh.. of course you are my favorite!!
  • Anyone that I have are awesome too. 
Love you all.


  1. I'm grateful for your face and I how I get to see it all the time:) and grateful for your awesomeness and friendship and an and being the best Aunt to my boys. Love u.
