Friday, September 9, 2011

Talking in Churchy Church..

Wellllllll I thought I would write a quick post, I wish I had pictures to post but I am not on my computer.. I am working on a FB album, I have been SOOO busy catching up with school and stuff, I have just had NO time to post photos. I will do it soon!
I hope...
Oh how I miss India.
It was just so great. Seriously words can not explain how much fun I had. 
I have to talk in church this Sunday, and it sounds like I am going to have to talk again in two weeks in my home ward. 
ask me how excited I am about this..
NOT excited.
Its so weird, because I am supposed to talk about Service, and to me, India was not service. Whenever I do service, it seems I always complain, and I never want to actually do it. :| I know I am a horrible person!!
The only thing I really complained about in India was the food.. hehehe
But when I was in India. I felt like INDIA was doing me a service. I felt like the Leprosy Patients were doing ME a service. I know the children that we played with loved me with all they had, even though I was leaving in just a few short weeks. The group of people that I met while I was there, helped me so much, and did ME a service.
So I guess this leads me to what I really should be doing.. More service in my life here in good old Utah.
We all said how sad it was that we could fly half way around the world, and do Service..when there are so many opportunities around us everywhere that we pass up daily.
This sounds horrible..but I often find my self getting caught up in silly selfish things, that dont even matter..but I end up not thinking about the other people around me.
Thats gotta stop..haha
Whether it is as little as texting a friend, or opening a door for someone, or even taking cookies to a family.
Welp, there you have it. This is me trying to think of things to talk about for my Talky Talk. I have a feeling its going to be a little scatterbrained. But hopefully it turns out okay!

Other random outbursts of emotion:
This was someones Facebook status: 
I went to the store and they had all their Halloween stuff out...Halloween means its almost Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving means its almost CHRISTMAS!!!
And then February will be here=Happiness
My Nephew is turning 5 Years Old! AHHH my goodness how time has flown by!!
I turn 21 in like a month...I still feel like I am 12..its okay.
I actually enjoy some of my classes this semester..what a change!
I think you are really great. YES YOU. 
Life is good peeps. Life is gooood.
{besides my writing class, which can go jump off a cliff and DIE.}


  1. you should just read your blog. seriously.... it would be perfect!

  2. Great job on your talk! You were talking like a talker! Love your blog and posts. Well done. How could it have gone any other way when you quite the great Bono!

  3. So I meant quote not quite, dang auto correct!
