Friday, March 29, 2013

Fridays with Matty!!

It has been SO long. 
Does everyone know about IFTT? Its seriously life changing.
Maybe I am just super late to join the band wagon as usual. haha
Matt would have freaking loved it..
You can seriously get sucked in and look at "recipes" all through church. :) hehe
that is how I get all my instagrams to post on this here blog.
A LOT has changed since I last posted.
I moved out
I go to BYU
Literally I cant get over it either.
I was a HATER of all things provo and byu
Bottom line is...I needed a change. I feel like most people don't like change. I thrive off of change.
Of course there are some changes that suck. But sometimes you have to embrace the suck.
I am SO grateful for the time I spent at the U.
In fact so many amazing memories happened there, that after Matty passed it was hard for me to stay.
haha I look so happy!!!
Matt looks like he is holding on for dear life!
Not sure if Jason's shorts are up high enough....
Gosh I have so many memories with Matt at the U. 
It was my first day of class and I was literally FREAKING out. I remember going to Jr. High and being so scared..and that was exactly how I felt the first day of college. But Matt was there.
I was confused, lost, and sweating. (my life) and Matt called me and told me to meet him at the Union Building. It was just SO great to see him. He calmed me down, helped me find some classes, got me a parking pass, ate lunch with me. It was perfect. I was so happy to have Matt there. :)

Another top favorite memory is one day Matt was having a HORRIBLE day. He texted me about it, and I ditched class and drove to draper where he was living at the time. I picked us up some Arbys curly fries, and chicken sandwiches  Oh how we love curly fries and chicken sandwiches. Matt had horrible heart burn when he ate them hahaha but he didn't care. They are just so delicious!! We talked for a long time about everything that was going on, and watched Star Trek. It was so fun. I know it was a bad day for Matt...I was so scared to ditch my first class in college, but it was the best thing I could have ever done.

I have taken better photos..its fine lol. This was at Thanksgiving!! 
Matt freaking cooked the best butternut squash EVER. The best was watching him mash it. haha

Goodness I miss this kid. So much has happened since he has passed away, and it SUCKS that I don't get to share it with him. I miss his hilarious advice, and quirky remarks.

Any who! back to the U. I tried to stick it out, but eventually I couldn't take it any longer..and one day I stopped going to class.
(My parents weren't the happiest of campers...sorry)
But the events that happened during that semester I would have been in school, were exactly what I needed.
After all my fun, I knew I needed to go back to school.
It wasnt going to be the U....
It wasnt going to be Utah State...Logan blows people.
I went to BYU's campus and just felt happier.
Not my style.
I'm not one to get churchy...but it just felt right.
I then started looking for apartments, and everywhere I thought about going, someone had something bad to say about it. Micah had told me about this place called The Avenues (not in slc) I talked with people and no one had anything bad to say! Debbie and I decided to just go knock on a few doors and we met some darling girls. The rooms were single rooms...I aint sharing with some scary girl I do not know! I called someone the next day I signed a contract. My roommates have turned out to be INCREDIBLE.
There is just the 3 of us and we get along SO well.
It has seriously been amazing to look back and see how everything fell into place.
Rachel is from Illinois, Stephanie is from Idaho.
We all have very different personalities..but it just works!
My classes are freaking hard, but SO much fun!
Provo BLOWS. Lets be completely honest..there is NOTHING to do there.
SLC will hands down win any competition there.
But it really has been a blast.