Wednesday, August 22, 2012

To Being Young

As most of us are well aware...
We are getting to the age that everyone is married.
Good for you guys.
Continuing on to my regularly scheduled program:
I kissed a boy and I liked it.
I'm not usually one to kiss and tell...but this had to be documented.
I will spare you all..and by you all I mean Emily and Joylyn cuz they have heard it, and they are the only ones who read this lovely blog. But we came to the conclusion that it had to be written about.
I would also like to thank Emily for letting me borrow her white underwear last minute--we now call them the Magic Undies. Get your mind out of the gutter people.
I don't know if I will ever kiss him again.
But DANG it was worth it.
We are talking Movie worthy.
I leave you on these last two points:
**Tonight, We Are Young.
**Is it wrong to kiss someone who was driving when you were born? I say NO.

Monday, August 13, 2012


I am bad at posting.
Went to California
St George
New Friends
Watched a 200 mile bike ride on my fanny in a car
Emily kicked trash!
Worked a TON
Bought a lot of clothes. :|
Saw Wicked
Bear Lake for the first time
Ate Halibut for the first time.. jury's still out on that one.
Jason's back in school!
Spent lots of time in Park City--second love maybe first love?
Just kidding. The ocean will always be my first love.
Got tan!!!
Illegal fireworks. Which are now legal *Happiness*
City Creek
Organ Donation Run!
Been a year since India
Katie is almost 21
I eat salad now. I KNOW..I am growing up "tear"
Jimmy Johns...addiction Ali knows what I'm talking about
I havent been to in n out all summer. WHAT THE WHAT?
Trying to talk Dave in to going to Brazil slash Antarctica with me. Its normal.
New York in October???
Body Pump with Chelli
47 days till Dexter
Trinity is clean!
Debbie gave me a piggy back ride. Hilarious.
I am going back to school. #fail #nervous #excited