Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hello People!
and by people I mean Chelli.. Devoted Sister-in-law whom I love!
This week I am getting my last shot!!! YAHOO!!!
{Shots were the only thing that made me not want to go to India. HATE THEM}
I have held off on getting my last shot, because I am waiting for my savior:
Nurse Audrey
She talked me through my first shot about a month ago.
{yes I had a xanax in me}
BUT the fact of the matter is, is that I didnt feel a thing! It was a nerve racking experience, but she got me through it.
A week later, Debbie takes me to get another shot, and she failed to call and ask if Audrey was there.
Lets just say this nurse was horrible. She took me back, and I started getting all nervous.
She then talked to me and started pinching the fat on my relief society arms!
You dont need to pinch there ma'am.
Anyway, she was like "Do you feel me pinching you?"
No, I dont. DUH. Yes I feel you pinching me!!! She then stuck the needle in to where she was pinching me, and I felt the needle go in me, and the juice that came out.
{I understand I only took half a xanax this time, but that doesnt mean anything}
She was mean.
It was not Audrey. :'(
This time we will make sure Debbie calls ahead and finds out if Audrey is there.
Thank you Audrey for being my hero..If you could come along with me for the rest of my life that would be wonderful.
{ex. When I have babies...any major surgeries...anytime I need a shot and/or an IV.}
I love you Audrey.

1 comment:

  1. Keph!!! Did you already get your shot?I hope you got Audrey!! Good luck
